понедельник, 19 марта 2018 г.

How to install pycharm in Debian stretch

Jet Brains developed well IDE for python. Many professional python coders chose pycharm as main tool for work. Unfortunately PyCharm does not exist in debian main repositories. So there is easy way to install it in 3 commands:

1)Install SNAP package manager, that have pycharm:
#apt-get -y install snapd

2)Install pycharm
#snap install pycharm-community —classic
2018-03-19T08:49:09+04:00 INFO snap "core" has bad plugs or slots: core-support-plug (unknown interface)
pycharm-community 2017.3.4 from 'jetbrains' installed

3)Create symlink to current version
#ln -s /snap/pycharm-community/current/bin/pycharm.sh /bin/pycharm

Thats all. Now you can start it, using #pycharm command

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